I Don't Get Your Deal, November.

I've recently decided that November is my least favorite month. See, I like months that are exactly as you'd picture them in your head. For example, October guarantees gourds on front doorsteps and brightly-colored leaves. July will be hot, sunny, and perfectly summery. November, on the other hand, is a crapshoot. November needs to decide what it is and stick to it.

November in my mind usually goes something like this: newly-fallen leaves tinged with a hint of frost, perfect cool temperatures for running, and an occasional turkey decoration on someone's house.

Instead, here in Madison, it's winter. Not like, "Oh, look at those first little flakes of snow." I'm talking four inches of white stuff on the ground. It's currently 16 degrees outside. I'm the only one who has "harvest" decorations on her front porch. The rest of the neighborhood is already bedazzled in Christmas lights and friendly snowmen. And I always forget how dark it is this time of year. Anyone with me on overturning daylight savings time?

Even though I am frustrated with November's identity crisis, I made the most of things this past weekend when I visited Lake Geneva, Wis., a hop, skip, and a jump from where I grew up. I think the pictures I took illustrate the current state of affairsa post-tourist landscape stuck between fall and winter. My advice to November? Do some soul-searching and figure out who you are.

OK, I'm done with my rant now. Here are some pretty pictures.

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